Platters to share

Charcuteries-Fromages (2 pers)

Cheesy Snackplatter (16 pcs)
Fromage cheddar poivré, bâtonnets de mozzarella, triangle de fromage nacho & camembert bouchée.
Pepper cheddar cheese, mozzarella sticks, nacho cheese triangle & bite-sized camembert.

Castillon Snackplatter (16 pcs)
Bitterballen, bâtonnets de mozzarella, rondelles d'oignon et ailes de poulet.
Bitterballen, mozzarella sticks, onion rings & chicken wings.

Mozzarella Sticks

Onion Rings
Sauce BBQ

Chicken Wings
Sauce BBQ


Aïoli & Bread
Entrées | Starters

Carpaccio de Boeuf
Servi avec parmesan, mayonnaise aux truffes et noix.
Served with parmesan, truffle mayonnaise and walnuts.

Cromesquis de Chèvre
Miel, salade composée.
Goat's cheese fried ball with honey and mixed salad.

Escargots de Bourgogne
Au beurre persillé.
With parsley butter.

Salade Mozzarella di Bufala
Servi avec melon et jambon cru.
Served with melon and serano ham.

Tartare de Saumon
Mangue, avocat, coriandre, citron, soja, graine de sésame.
Salmon tartare with mango, avocado, coriander, lemon, soy, sesame seed.

Tempura de Gambas
Sauce aigre douce, salade composée.
Tempura King Prawns, sweet chilli sauce and mixed salad.
Viandes | Meats

Filet Mignon de Porc
Enroulé au lard, sauce poivre ou champignon, frites et salade.
Porc tenderloin wrapped in bacon, pepper or mushroom sauce, fries and salad.

Tartare de Boeuf
Frites et salade.
Beef tartare with fries and salad.

Daube d'Agneau de Sisteron
au lard et vin rouge, pommes de terres provençale et légumes.
Lamb Stew with bacon and red wine, provencal potatoes and vegetables.

Tournedos de Boeuf 160gr
Sauce au poivre ou champignon, frites et salade.
beef tournedos 160gr, pepper or mushroom sauce with fries and salad.

Chateaubriand de Boeuf 300gr
Sauce au poivre ou champignon, frites et salade.
Pepper or mushroom sauce, fries and salad.

Faux Filet de Boeuf
Sauce au poivre ou champignon, frites et salade.
Pepper or mushroom sauce, fries and salad.
Pepper or mushroom sauce, fries and salad.
Poissons | Fish

Pavé de Saumon
Sauce au poireau, riz et légumes.
Salmon fillet with leek sauce, rice and vegetables.

Pêche du Jour
Fish of the day
Salades | Salads

Petite Salade Composée
Small mixed salad

Grande Salade Castillon
Poulet, fromage de chèvre, aubergine grillée, tomates confites, lardons, croutons a l'ail.
Chicken, goat cheese, grilled eggplant, candied tomatoes, bacon, garlic croutons.

Grande Salade Chèvre Chaud
Fromage de chèvre sur toast, tomates, concombres, noix.
Goat cheese on toast, tomatoes, cucumbers, nuts.

Grande Salade Cesar
Poulet croustillant, oeuf, parmesan, tomates, concombres, lardons, sauce césar, croutons.
Crispy chicken, egg, parmesan, tomatoes, cucumbers, bacon, Caesar sauce, croutons.

Grande Salade Norvégienne
Tomates, concombres, oeuf, avocat, saumon fumé, gambas, sauce cocktail.
Tomatoes, cucumbers, egg, avocado, smoked salmon, prawns, cocktail sauce.

Castillon Burger
Poulet pané, tomates confites, fromage de chèvre, aubergine et lardons.
Breaded chicken, candied tomatoes, goat cheese, eggplant and bacon.

Steak haché, ketchup, cheddar, oignon, salade, cornichons et tomates.
Beef patty, ketchup, cheddar, onion, salad, pickles and tomato.

BBQ Burger
Steak haché, bbq sauce, cheddar, bacon, oignon, salade, cornichons et tomates.
Beef patty, BBQ sauce, bacon, cheddar, onion, salad, pickles and tomato.

Savoyarde Burger
Steak haché, oignon confites, fromage reblochon, lardons, pommes de terre.
Beef patty, candied onions, reblochon cheese, bacon.

Burger Saumon
Sauce ravigote, cornichons, oignons, salade, tomates.
Ravigote sauce, pickles, onion, salad and tomato.

Veggie Burger
Steak de légumes, sauce tzatziki, aubergine grillée, tomates confites, salade.
Vegetable steak, tzatziki sauce, grilled eggplant, candied tomatoes, salad.

Base tomate, fromage, origan et olives.
Tomato base, cheese, oregano and olives.

4 Saisons
Base tomate, fromage, origan et olives. Tomates, artichauts, jambon cuit, champignon.
Tomato base, cheese, oregano and olives. Tomatoes, artichokes, cooked ham, mushrooms.

Base tomate, fromage, origan et olives.
Tomato base, cheese, oregano and olives.

Base tomate, fromage, origan et olives. Jambon, champignons.
Tomato base, cheese, oregano and olives. Ham, mushrooms.

Base tomate, fromage, origan et olives. Steak haché pimenté, poivron.
Tomato base, cheese, oregano and olives. Spiced mince beef and peppers.

3 Fromages
Base tomate, fromage, origan et olives. Chèvre, gorgonzola et mozzarella.
Tomato base, cheese, oregano and olives. Goat cheese, gorgonzola and mozzarella.

Base tomate, fromage, origan et olives. Champignons, poivrons, aubergine et artichauts.
Tomato base, cheese, oregano and olives. Mushrooms, peppers, eggplant and artichokes.

Base tomate, fromage, origan et olives. Poulet, oignons, steak haché, chorizo.
Tomato base, cheese, oregano and olives. Chicken, onions, minced steak, chorizo.

Base tomate, fromage, origan et olives. Bacon, cheddar, oeuf.
Tomato base, cheese, oregano and olives. Bacon, cheddar, egg.

Oeuf, jambon et champignons.
Egg, ham and mushrooms.

Poulet, ananas, jambon cuit.
Chicken, pineapple, cooked ham.

Base crème, fromage, poulet, chèvre, aubergine, ail, persil, olives.
Cream base, cheese, chicken, goat cheese, eggplant, garlic, parsley, olives.

Base crème, fromage, chèvre, lardons, oignons, tomates, herbes de provence et olives.
Cream base, cheese, goat's cheese, bacon, onions, tomatoes, herbs de provence and olives.

Base crème, fromage, saumon fumé, oignons, citron, origan et olives.
Cream base, cheese, smoked salmon, onions, lemon, oregano and olives.

Base crème, fromage, reblochon, pommes de terre, lardons, origan, olives.
Cream base, cheese, reblochon, potatoes, bacon, oregano, olives.
Pâtes | Pasta

Tagliatelle Bolognaise
bolognaise tagliatelle pasta



Enfant | Kids